Artist Bio

She is a multifaceted artist whose graphic journey has taken her through various realms of the artist landscape, including a sales career in between.

Her career as a graphic artist began after earning a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland. After graduating, she honed her skills working for several advertising agencies, mastering the craft of visual communication.

Driven by a desire for new challenges and opportunities, she transitioned into the broadcast industry, successfully selling ad space for radio and TV stations.

Upon retirement, she was able to embark on a quest to explore her true passions, including illustration, painting and jewelry design. She has been attending the renowned Glassell School of Art (Affiliated with the Houston Museum of Fine Arts) for the past several years and has cultivated a true love for painting.

Artist Statement

Inspired by the beauty of everyday life, Marilyn has embarked on a new body of work called “Food for Thought”. Through this series she is discovering the deeper meanings associated with food, inviting viewers to contemplate the connections between nourishment, culture, and identity.

"Food for Thought" are works of art painted directly onto tin pans including a Pizza Pie, Cinnabons, Toast painted on a vintage toaster, Mearsuring Cups with different spices in each plus several food paintings on canvas.

She is excited to share her artwork with the world and hope others will find the joys she has received from making each piece.